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Grandkids are the Gold

T.A. Bedore

Grandpa and Grandson
Grankids are Gold

As I looked toward the orange horizon on that cool August evening, past where my kids and grandkids stood, fishing poles in hands, I reflected at how rich I felt with my family at my side.

I am fortunate enough to be able to spend two weeks with my eldest daughter who brings our grandkids home from Edmonton each summer. All of my kids congregate at the cottage each year surrounding their time here. I cherish these visits. Work schedules and living across the country doesn't allow for many, but we sure have fun when they do come around.

My first granddaughter was born in 2016 with great anticipation. She was to be my fellow Virgo. Her birth brought much joy to our family, and soon came a visit from them to Ontario to meet her aunties and uncles and to meet Gramma and Papa and Great Grammas for the first time. She was the apple of my eye, perfect in every way. A love opened in my heart unlike any love before. The Gramma love. I was smitten.

Each grandchild born, brought joy and excitement to our hearts and family and seeing them grow has been my ultimate pleasure.

Children return a wonderment to our eyes as the world is fresh and new to them.

My favourite place to spend with my grandkids is in nature. We like to go on hikes through the woods and enjoy Ontario's parks. Once they found a frog and named her Isabelle. They were instinctively gentle, holding her, unafraid and then replacing her to her rightful pond. Even an acorn can hold amazement in a child's eyes, and their amazement is contagious and refreshing. An acorn is after all, a seed that could become a mighty oak.

My eldest granddaughter likes to carry a basket with her to collect various items like milkweed pods, interesting leaves, pinecones and nuts. We had to teach her about mushrooms and berries and the fact that some are unsafe, so it's best to let them alone. Maybe as she grows, she'll become curious to which plants are safe and which are not or medicinal uses of plants. Who knows. The thought of it excites me though. I'm eager to see where life will take them; which direction their winds will blow them to.

The instinctive connection to nature by children is interesting, and their intrigue of the world exciting; their eyes twinkling with curiosity and full of glee. One can't help to be happy around them as they discover the world.

Studies show that emotional closeness with a grandparent is linked to positive emotional development, cognitive functioning and social adjustment

and the benefit for the grandparent too, is huge. Not only do grandparents who watch their grandkids, do better on cognitive functioning tests, just a conversation can bring such joy and watching them develop into little humans is thrilling; each with their own unique personality and creative style.

I'm lucky enough that my daughter fosters our relationship the same way my parents fostered my own relationship with my grandparents. Their imprint on my life was invaluable and I remember them with great love and affection. For this, I am so grateful to them.

Our summertime visits mean the world to me. Card games and campfires, fishing and beach trips, mealtimes and our hikes of course, are wonderful memories made. Winter time visits are full of home life and school days as we visit Edmonton. I love being there when they get home from school when their day is still fresh in their mind and they're eager to share the news of the day. The last time we went out, we visited a National Park to see the wild bison roaming. Experiencing first time events with them is pretty special, The bison was a first and so was summer fishing.

Time spent with grandkids is good for the soul and spirit. They restore a vitality to life with their fresh eyes and wondrous curiosity about the world. Our next visit to Edmonton will be in a few months in the dead of winter. I may have cold hands, but my heart will be warm.

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